This article is the next part of the article on getting started with VoIP service. After doing all the things in the article part I, you can move to do the things in this article. If you have done choosing the right service, you should move to get your equipment. The equipment needed for VoIP can be very cheap or quite expensive. It depends on your need.
Uses that are choosing PC to PC communication only need hearing and speaking device according to your computer system. You might also get softphone applications since it allows users to make and receive calls with mobile phone. It also eliminates the need for headsets and other equipment. You can have the option to install softphone client on your mobile phone or use their web interface for the dialing.
If you are using hardware-based VoIP, you need to have solid material. It costs money but not always. You need to use ATA phone adapter and phone set. The phone set can be any of traditional phones which you use with PSTN. There are some special phones for VOIP with special features known as IP Phones. These do not need any ATA since they have functionality included. IP phones are expensive and are mostly used by business places. There are many hardware-based VoIP services provided for free hardware for free for the duration of the service. It helps you to save more money and the compatibility with the service used and on allowing you the possibility of trying the service without investing.
Next, you need to get a phone number. In case you want to extend your VoIP to beyond PC, you need to have a phone number. The number is given to you when you have made subscription with a paid service whether the software or hardware based. The number is used to make or receive calls to and from fixed or mobile phones. Many people want to keep their old number since their clients will face difficulty to contact their business place if the number is changed.