After knowing general information about Unified Communications, let us move to features and aspects which include in Unified Communications. UC is involving the integration of some communication services. Everything at the service of the communication can be integrated.
There are some things which are available in Unified Communications. The first thing is Unified Messaging and Multimedia Services. These are including voice communication in all its forms, voicemail, email, fax, and other types of multimedia elements such as images, animations, videos, and much more. You might also see real-time communications. The real time systems are including getting immediate processing and response after the input such as conferencing, instant messaging, paging, call screening, and much more.
Another thing is data services. It is the process of information delivery such as web data, online services, and much more. Unified Communications also includes transactions. It is involving the transactions which are made online through web or other applications such as e-commerce, enterprise applications, online banking, and much more.
You might be wondering how Unified Communications can be useful. People who rely on mobile connection can stay connected with their softphones or Wireless IP handsets when they are not in their office or home. Enterprises are able to reduce the cost for supporting their workers with all implications. It allows them to work from home. If you are using foreign human resource, it can be tapped from at no increased cost and without normal delays because of geographical distance. 

Unified Communications comes with web and video conferencing call. It allows users to have better interactivity and better productivity. As the result, users can reduce the cost of travel and telecoms. Whether you are using the service for individual or business, you can have registrations and fewer bills to worry about. You can enjoy all services needed from single provider. You are able to reach it though one single number.
Unified Communications is ready but it has not yet coming full load. One of the examples of the giant step towards unified communications is Microsoft’s Office Communications Suite.